My Why

I have always been empowered and mesmerized by the affect first responders can have on another persons life. But the most motivating factor of my mission in the fire service exists because I know the power other first responders have on one another.

From an early age I struggled with family abuse, addiction of almost anything you can imagine, and the all too common broken family. Being a fourth-generation firefighter, I felt I was called through divinity. What I did not expect is how all of my past pain and tribulations could be exacerbated by what I perceived to be my dream job.

I have taken on the personal mission to promote my message of overcoming Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and the ability to transition into Post Traumatic Growth (PTG). As they say, “when it rains it pours”, and starting in 2014 the rain was torrential. I was slipping through the cracks of an unknown and unaddressed mental wellness pandemic in first responders. Fortunately, by what I believe to be by the grace of God, I caught myself. However, many do not, and that is why I pursue the matter of first responder mental wellness so tenaciously.

In my presentations, I enjoy using my story of triumph after many struggles to show relational transparency with my audience. Notwithstanding, my message does not stop there. I provide real, simple, and tried solutions to these matters. We, as first responders, are beyond the “awareness” phase where this issue is made known. First responders need to be in the action phase, coming to the table with real solutions to our known problems. I would love nothing more than to hear of these warrior mindsets that provide these valuable ideas to their personnel and organizations during our time together.

I am personally dedicated to pursuing a better service for all first responders because I know it is out there. There are times that I can recall in my own strife that I questioned, “is it worth climbing out of this?”, to that, I say “absolutely!”. Like many success stories, recovery is ongoing. It certainly wasn’t overnight, and not even over a year, it was longer… but anything worth having is worth working for. That is why I am here and passionately in the hunt for a better us.

Stay safe and take care of each other,